Land the

Our approach, in partnership with the world’s leading geospatial platform and the UK's leading environmental and agricultural data company, has not just enabled us to unlock value from natural capital, but to unlock the value from all capitals.

Our work spans the economic, strategic analysis, and performance of rural assets, including identifying opportunities for additional and more profitable income.

Our principal objective is to understand the potential of an area, at every scale, to unlock the value of current activities, and to explore the highest and best use of all resources and assets within the area – for example opportunities offered by natural capital, and change of land use. These include the social and economic benefits of access, recreation, health and well-being.

We use applied spatial data and analytics to answer high value questions and solve complex, often systemic, problems. Our approach and technology enable land owners and managers, policy-makers and planners to assess opportunities across all capitals (natural, social and financial), factor in climate change, evaluate the effect of their decisions on growth, development and impact, and negotiate trade offs.

We take a lifecycle approach working with our clients to challenge their ‘now’, plan for their ‘next’ and the future they want, and implement change. We then help them iterate and pivot in near and real-time by enabling them to manage and monitor all of their assets and resources across all areas of interest.

recent work

Jersey Tree Survey

Biddenden Vineyards Map

WineGB UK Vineyard Surveys

Sustainable Wines of Great Britain

Cotswolds Natural Capital

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